Ugh, those two words should never be written out together but that's the truth. I diet *in American terms* because it helps me run. Run long, run strong! I need to throw out that Nutella jar!
I have a 6 a.m. run tomorrow and it'll be the long one of the week. I did a 4+ one who knows when and it killed my toes. There were walking breaks but still, you can't go from no running in two months to a whole 5 or so miles. Anyway, it was awesome. Tomorrow should be short b/c I'm super beaten up thanks to the Zumba instructor. She's tough.
I need to sleep but am all excited and hopped on excitement b/c I want to create a running group for people who need other people to run with at 5 a.m. Ugh, I'm really sleepy. Syntax... grammar... sleepy.
I'll sleep on it, maybe it's too crazy.